How to Change Honda CR-V Remote Battery

There are two keys for the Honda CR-V; the retractable key remote fob and the keyless remote. Here we cover how to change the Honda CR-V remote battery for both versions.

Retractable Key Remote

How to Replace Honda CR-V Retractable Key Fob Battery
Replacing the battery in a Honda CR-V retractable key fob

Use this guide to replace the battery for the Honda CR-V retractable key remote fob.

  1. Using a wide flat-head screwdriver or a coin, pry off the top cover of the key fob remote. To prevent damage to the remote, wrap the coin or screwdriver in a cloth.
  2. The Honda CR-V retractable key fob uses a CR2032 battery. Take note of the battery polarity before removing; the positive (+) is facing upwards.
  3. Remove the battery using a small flat-head screwdriver or something similar.
  4. Insert a new battery ensuring the same polarity as the battery removed.
  5. Place the cover back onto the fob, pushing it together to click securely.

CR2032 Batteries

CR2032 battery multi-packs are widely available online or at many high street stores.

Retractable Keyless Remote

Use this guide to replace the battery for the Honda CR-V keyless remote fob.

How to Replace Honda CR-V Keyless Remote Battery
  1. Flip the switch on the rear of the key fob and remove pull the built-in key completely out.
  2. Looking in the area that the key was removed from, use a coin or a wide flat-head screwdriver to remove the upper half of the keyless remote. You can wrap the screwdriver or coin in a cloth to prevent damage to the fob if you wish. You can also use your fingers to separate the upper half if you wish, though it may require a little force.
    Note: Remove the cover carefully so to avoid losing any buttons.
  3. The Honda CR-V keyless fob uses a CR2032 battery. Take note of the battery polarity before removing; the positive (+) is facing upwards.
  4. Pry out the battery using your fingers, a small flat-head screwdriver or something similar.
  5. Insert a new battery ensuring the same polarity as the battery removed and click down into place.
  6. Line up the cover of the keyless remote and push together, clicking into place.
  7. Check the edges of the remote to ensure the cover is properly pressed into place.
  8. Insert the built-in key.

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How to change Honda CR-V remote battery


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